If you’re looking for a literary agent to help you navigate the publishing world, we’ve put together a list. This spreadsheet exclusively covers agents who work on graphic novels only.
A few databases already exist, including the wonderful Agents for Illustrators database. We’re not aiming to compete with that or any others. Instead, this list narrows the agents down to those who work with graphic novels, inclusive of writers—providing a further level of specificity.
You can utilize the database below to find agents but do your research—on what each agent is looking for (we’re providing basic info here but things change constantly) as well as their reputation—and also follow submission guidelines, and ask questions if something isn’t clear. Good luck out there!
If you’re an agent who would like to be listed in this spreadsheet, please fill out this form.
Additional resources:
- Agents for Illustrators Database
- Literary Agents Who Represent Graphic Novels (by Niki Smith)
- A Literary Agent’s Guide to Querying Your Graphic Novel
- Manuscript Wishlist
- MSWishList
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at info@creatorresource.com.
As a note, we consulted Manuscript Wishlist and MSWishList to gather the most recent list of agents looking for graphic novels. We also consulted other existing databases to ensure that we had all the agencies and agents that we could. We then went and verified all of the information, updated it, and built upon it to create this list.